I've never been overweight. But my weight consistently crept up along with my age since my runner-fit teenage days. My BMI number was on the extreme end of the normal range, brimming into the overweight range.
Here's a BMI chart to give you a general idea. My weight was hovering around 57 to 58kg and my height is 157cm. That puts my BMI count at around 24.
At my heaviest, I'm pretty sure I was considered overweight because I definitely looked chubbier than I was when I got my BMI result. People that I've always known told me that I was fat. It was the truth and I always felt depressed about it. I as 17 then and I just suffered a terrible break up. (emotional eating is real, you guys) In between, I've had on and off dieting periods. It never worked because I would pick up that chocolate cake and slump on the couch.
So one day at 18 years old, I decided to do something about it.
I launched Operation weightloss: 1
The traditional no brainer formula of Eat-less DIET & EXERCISE never fails. I counted calories, I ran an insane amount of kilometers every week because running was the only thing I knew of. I did 10km minimum, everyday, I got so scared of rest days so I skipped it. Everyday, I would wake up, strip, and step on the scale and fret over the number on the scale. If I saw that the number increased by a few grams, I would feel so so guilty and bad that I would punish myself by running another kilometer. Eventually, I plateaued. I didn't understand what was going on back then and somehow had this weird belief and thought that this was the thinnest that my body could go 'naturally'.
After entering a design school, with the heavy workload, I started putting on weight again and was sickly and pale faced from all the late nights.
So at the end of 3 yrs, result of Operation weightloss: 1 FAILED.
The girl who could wear everything
It's hard to admit but I've always imagined what it would be like to be a victoria's secret model, strutting down a runway with an amazing body and be the envy of all. Having pretty looking friends who could wear just about anything didn't help either. In my mind, I knew of a perfect body that I wanted, how it would look like in everything. A sleeveless top, a mini skirt, a fitted blouse, a tight fitting dress, a bikini etc.This perfect image deprived me of all these clothes because I knew I would never look like that perfect girl in my head.
Some nights, the image of the perfect girl would taunt me just like this.
What inspired me to start losing weight again was incredibly ridiculous story. It happened after a whole night of partying and dancing on a miserable dinner of booze and a small mash potatoes from KFC. While it wasn't the best night of my life (I was stuck with this weird dude who kept sniffing my hair), the greatest thing happened the MORNING AFTER. I stepped my sore feet on my weighing scale and saw that I lost an entire kg. Of course all that was just water weight and dehydration from all that alcohol. I was so happy that all that dancing helped melt some of my weight off. It definitely motivated me to start moving more. This was the birth of Operation weightloss: 2.
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