Friday, 26 September 2014

Gluten & Grain free cupcakes with honey-ed lavender & strawberry cashew cream

This week's new workouts that I tried :)

Train Insane HIIT Workout!

For some reason, I can't seem to embed blogilates' new video here. But it's ok, there's the link and judging from the title, you should know what it is. It is a HIIT workout. Not the toughest from her that I've done, but worked me up a sweat in no time.

And then there was:

Brazilian Booty Burn Workout: Burn to the Beat- Keaira LaShae

To feed my obessesion with building a bigger butt. It felt more like a regular dance cardio workout and I am thankful that I do most of my exercises in the comfort of my home because no one would want to watch me try to keep up with this lady and her dance moves. I'm terrible at keeping with dance cardios. This is one of the easiest ones that I've done. Although I love the idea of dance cardio, but my body just CANNOT COORDINATE FAST ENOUGH. 

The next cardio workout I tried was:

30 Day Fat Burn: Cardio Crush Workout by BeFit

I still prefer doing a set by set, rep by rep kind of workout. This one was pretty good. It was easy to follow, simple enough moves, worked me up a good sweat too. I'll probably fit this into days where I just have to work one part of my body. A little cardio to supplement spot toning!

I got these bright coloured cupcake liners recently. They make me want to bake all the time! I've always been a little skeptical about plastic products and heat but these babies can withstand up to 200deg celsius. Pretty cool huh? 
Spinach, tuna and cheese frittata that i made the other day, so prettyyy
Compared to regular paper liners, removing these plastic liners is like dream. It came off so easily my jaw dropped. So if you hate the annoying problem of food sticking to cupcake liners, this is a great option.

I was experimenting again and want to try to make some kidney bean cupcakes with lavender & strawberry cashew cream cheese. This time tweaking the recipe a little but replacing cocoa powder with 'coconut flour' (grinded from dessicated coconut). 

Little kidney bean cupcake babies in-the-baking.

These cashew nuts are gonna be soaked overnight, blended honey, lavender, and 4 microwaved strawberries to make lavender strawberry cashew cream .

Finally, the cupcake is born! 

The addition of 'coconut flour' did help to fluff up the batter a little so its starting to taste more like a regular cake, without all the nasties :)
Cheers to healthy cupcakes :D

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